Whether you paddle a canoe, kayak, board or sit on top, we offer guided trips, skills training and Leader awards for journeys and trips on any water.
The NEW Paddlesport Instructor is aimed at those running taster/starter sessions and short journeys in very sheltered water.
The Paddlesport Leader is aimed at paddlers taking on formal leadership responsibilities in benign, sheltered water environments.
Touring leader extends the leader remit to any paddlecraft in moderate water conditions.
Canoe leader is a discipline specific award and takes this further on open or white water.
Thank you for contacting us about the paddlespor t leader award. Your first steps are to make sure you have done a few trips and gained experience.
You will need to be a member of British Canoeing and have registered for the award. We can guide you through this process if needed.
Before assessment you will need to have done about 12 trips and have the skills required for the award.
Tale a look at the skills and safety awards to see if you feel ready for assessment. and get in toucch to discuss a development plan .
Adventure Activities Licenced Provider
Instructor, Leader and Guide course provider
Expedition Approved
Activity Provider AAP
Leader and Expediton Training Provider